Productivity: heaven or hell?

Flexible working practices pose challenges and solutions

Rising numbers of people worldwide are now opting to work outside the main office for at least a proportion of their business hours. A recent report that can be found on sites like , by global workplace provider Regus that surveyed 22,000 workers across more than 100 countries reveals that globally, 70% of professionals say flexible workers have increased compared with just five years ago.

However, while this is the case, productivity is being hampered by the difficulty many find in locating a suitable spot to work in outside of the office environment, with noisy and disruptive settings proving a real issue for busy professionals. Respondents to the survey identified the top productivity killers as traffic jams (56%) to get into the office or to and from meetings, and IT glitches (43%) in alternative work areas such as cafes. So where can these workers find a productivity heaven outside the office?

In fact, while many options are available to professionals wishing to adopt a more flexible approach to working, business centres score most highly with more than half of professionals globally believing these to be a safe haven for productivity when working outside the office (53%). or


Further key findings:

  • Just 34% of respondents say working from home is good for productivity outside the office although this rises to 63% for the lucky few who are able to invest in a professional home office.
  • Professional group or association lounges score surprisingly low at 11%, suggesting that these locations are better for networking than for getting work done.
  • Cafés, with their associated issues of lack of privacy, unreliable internet connection, and background noise, also score low at just 12%,

Mauro Mordini, Regus country manager in Italy comments: “Having the option to work from different locations can be enormously beneficial for many workers but the challenge is in finding the right environment outside of the office to allow people to remain just as, if not more so, productive.”

For those without a professional home office, business centres with their professional, productive working environments and IT security provide an answer, allowing busy professionals the peace and functionality they need, when they need it.” 

Regus is the global workplace provider.  Its network of more than 2,300 business centres in 850 cities and in 104 countries provides convenient, high-quality, fully serviced spaces for people to work, whether for a few minutes or a few years. Companies like Google, Toshiba and GlaxoSmithKline choose Regus so that they can work flexibly and make their businesses more successful.

The key to flexible working is convenience and so Regus is opening wherever its 2,3 million members want support – city centres, suburban districts, shopping centres and retail outlets, railway stations, motorway service stations and even community centres.

Founded in Brussels, Belgium, in 1989, Regus is based in Luxembourg and listed on the London Stock Exchange.

For more information, please visit:

Written by Regus




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