AttrACT’s D-day 2.0

The bilingual website of AttrACT program is now on line:

Realized by Regione Lombardia, together with Unioncamere Lombardia to promote the local offer of our region.

The new platform gives access to the 113 investment opportunities, located in the 56 municipalities that decided to participate in AttrACT program: a variety of sites ranging from the office building in Brianza, to the touristic landmark complex near Bergamo, from the industrial facility in Lodi province to the logistic area in Cremona’s countryside.

Designed to answer the specific needs of investors who face the peculiar moment of the settlement, gives, in one click, information on more than a hundred investment sites “ready to use”:

  • 73 industrial sector
  • 28 offices sector
  • 16 hospitality sector
  • 11 logistics sector

The platform aims at being a useful tool for all those companies seeking new investment opportunities in Lombardy.

A huge “team” effort among Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere Lombardia and the 56 admitted Municipalities of the region, for a policy considered among the most innovative, even unique, in Italy.

Immediate in its methods, synergic in involving users, “attractive” for its completeness. It is Regione Lombardia and Unioncamere Lombardia’s answer to investors, an easy and intuitive portal to support Italian and foreign companies to access information on the available areas through a user friendly search.

Thanks to an innovative search engine it is possible to map the area of interest. Plenty of details are provided for each brownfield or greenfield site: size and description of the building area; the ownership, whether public or private; the reference sector, industrial, offices, logistics or hospitality; if for sale, in location, concession or partnership. More filters allow users to collect information on urban planning constraints, digital infrastructure, and accessibility to the area: from the nearest highway to the distance from airports and railway stations.

Besides the main section, dedicated to local opportunities, the website also shows the services offered for investors by AttrACT program: companies interested in starting or expanding their investment in Lombardy can benefit from a professional and specialized assistance. Thanks to a solid network of local partner (both private and public) we lead investors throughout the whole investment process.

Want to start or enlarge your investment project in Lombardy? Here it is easier, also thanks to the commitments undertaken by Municipalities on simplification, economic and fiscal incentivisation, promotion of the opportunities and qualified assistance to the investor.

Discover AttrACT, visit

You are a municipality interested in presenting new opportunities on AttrACT platform, contact the AttrACT’s team:



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