Lombardy is …continuous growth! #AskOurPartner Deloitte

In the framework of the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” we are proud to present our second article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Elio Milantoni – Partner Deloitte Financial Advisory, Head of M&A Advisory.

Lombardy continues to improve its economic and enterpreneurial performances. Its international business appeal is unique in Italy, and now thanks to Regione Lombardia’s program AttrACT the region shows itself on the market by means of effective territorial marketing tools.


  • Do you know that …

International investors are keen on Italian companies: around 115 inbound M&A deals were finalized during the first semester of 2017 for a total value of € 33 billion, 18 billion more than the same period in 2016, confirming a strong interest towards Italy and its excellences.


  • Italy and Lombardy act as a platform for Europe, an excellence hub for several sectors…

Italy is at the center of the EMEA markets, an area with approximately 800 million relatively high-income consumers. More than 30% of the Italian companies are based in Lombardy, generating about one fifth of the national GDP. The local economy shows a strong track record in the finance, fashion, design, manufacturing, logistics, life sciences, aerospace, and tech sectors. Its favorable location in the heart of Europe and its excellent infrastructure make Lombardy a key node for companies who want to access EMEA markets.


  • M&A opportunities in Lombardy and Italy?

The entrepreneurial system in Italy is based on a significant number of family-owned small/medium companies, which often have outstanding know-how and reputation, but whose size limits their role in the competitive international arena. Individual turnovers usually span from € 15 to 350 million. Investors have therefore the opportunity to leverage on the uniqueness of those small/medium companies that decide to open their capital to external investors in order to consolidate their presence in the international markets.


The interview is also available, together with useful information for investors, on the website of Invest in Lombardy, the service dedicated to foreign investment promotion, run by Promos (Special Agency of Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi Chamber of Commerce), promoted by Unioncamere Lombardia and supported by Regione Lombardia.

To learn more, follow the Partners’ interviews that will be published on the website and You Tube channel of Invest in Lombardy every two weeks.


We thank Invest in Lombardy’s Premium Partner: Deloitte Financial Advisory; De Luca & Partners; Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners; Masotti Berger Cassella; Cazzaniga Costruzioni; Todarello & Partners.

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