
Eventi, Highlights, News

How to succeed in your business in Italy

How to succeed in your business in Italy

INVEST IN LOMBARDY, in collaboration with NIBI – New International Business Institute, is launching an executive program, “Successful Italy”, addressed to foreign managers interested to learn more about doing business in Italy. Italy is the 3° largest national economy of the Eurozone and it is part of the EU single […]

di × 1 Giugno 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights, News

Computer circuit background in blue color and in a perspective view

Patent Box e credito d’imposta R&S: i nuovi risparmi per le PMI con proprietà intellettuale

Dopo la proroga temporanea del termine per l’integrazione della documentazione relativa al Patent Box, comunicata da parte dell’Agenzia delle Entrate, sono in molti che in questi giorni stanno inoltrando la documentazione integrativa richiesta con scadenza 30 Giugno. L’agevolazione fiscale che deriva dall’adozione del Patent Box si concretizza in un risparmio […]

di × 31 Maggio 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Eventi, Highlights

Italy and Singapore relations: best practices and new opportunities in Lombardy

Italy and Singapore relations: best practices and new opportunities in Lombardy

On the sidelines of the official visit of President Tony Tan Keng Yam in Rome, a delegation of entrepreneurs will be received in Milan, during the event: “Italy and Singapore relations: best practices and new opportunities in Lombardy” organized and promoted by Confindustria Lombardia, Promos, Confindustria Monza e Brianza, Singapore […]

di × 26 Maggio 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Modern glass and steel skyscraper against a blue sky, with the European, German and NRW flags.

New opportunities for German investors based in Lombardy

Invest in Lombardy, in collaboration with the Deutsch-Italienische Handelskammer and DE INTERNATIONAL Italia, will organize a roundtable with German investors in Milan next May 26th. The focus will be on presenting investment opportunities and available incentives in Lombardy, as well as, key topics to German investors, such as Industry 4.0, […]

di × 23 Maggio 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Business people shaking hands in office

The generational shift between increase in inheritance tax and investment research. The trust as a possible solution for the entrepreneur

About 80% of Italian businesses have family characteristics, in the sense that the control of the same is in the hands of one or more households. The European average is similar, if not slightly higher. What differentiates the Italian “family” company from that of other European countries is that in […]

di × 27 Aprile 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Business people shaking hands in office

Il passaggio generazionale tra aumento delle imposte di successione e ricerca di investimenti: quali soluzioni per le imprese?

Circa l’80% delle imprese Italiane ha carattere familiare, nel senso che il controllo delle stesse è in mano ad uno o più nuclei familiari. La media europea è simile, se non leggermente più elevata. Quello che differenzia l’impresa “familiare” italiana da quella di altri paesi europei è che in circa […]

di × 18 Aprile 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Le riforme fiscali e la legge di stabilità: cosa cambia per chi investe e fa impresa oggi in Italia

Le riforme fiscali e la legge di stabilità: cosa cambia per chi investe e fa impresa oggi in Italia

Le riforme fiscali e la legge di stabilità: cosa cambia per chi investe oggi in Italia. L’Osservatorio di Invest in Lombardy Quali riforme rendono più “conveniente” investire in Italia? Siamo un paese più attrattivo? Cosa può incentivare l’attività d’impresa oggi in Italia grazie alle novità introdotte dalle riforme? Invest in […]

di × 27 Gennaio 2016 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Invest in Lombardy Days: a ten-day long event in Milan

Invest in Lombardy Days: a ten-day long event in Milan

October is traditionally the most hectic month in Milan: after the fashion shows just closed, the city runs to reach its goals before the end of the year, trying to cope with any type of event. Trade exhibitions, book presentations, talks, meetings and conventions are spread on the urban landscape. […]

di × 30 Settembre 2015 ×

Eventi, Highlights

Webinar Invitation: “Jobs act: benefit, taxation, main terms and conditions”

Webinar Invitation: “Jobs act: benefit, taxation, main terms and conditions”

Invest in Lombardy will organize a free webinar in collaboration with the law firm De Luca & Partners, provides general information on legal issues of new employment law reform, to potential investor and business operators at 10.00 am (CET +1) or 4.00 pm (CET +1) on  Monday, September 21st. In this […]

di × 10 Settembre 2015 ×


Webinar Invitation: Investing in Italian Real Estate: benefit, taxation, main terms and conditions

Webinar Invitation: Investing in Italian Real Estate: benefit, taxation, main terms and conditions

Invest in Lombardy will organize a free webinar in collaboration with the law firm Gianni Origoni Grippo Cappelli & Partners, providing general information on legal issues to investors and business operators interested in investing in Italian Real Estate at 10.00 am (CET +1) or 4.00 pm (CET +1) on Thursday, July 16th. […]

di × 8 Luglio 2015 ×