
Highlights, News Partner

The Lombardy Energy Cleantech Sector can drive more foreign investments

The Lombardy Energy Cleantech Sector can drive more foreign investments

Cleantech is a strong keyword for every investor, nowaday. The commonly accepted definition (given by Ron Pernick and Clint Wilder’s book “The Clean Revolution“) contains several concepts driving today the development of Lombardy and representing points of strength for the region in terms of attraction of foreign investments: “A broad […]

di × 11 Gennaio 2016 ×

Highlights, News

Our 2015 in keywords

Our 2015 in keywords

2015 is nearly over, this last days are usually hectic and busy because of projects closing, deadline urging and the need to take a break becoming a priority. Even if it is only a (mainly western) conventional manner to calculate time and divide it into segments, the end of the […]

di × 23 Dicembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Multinationals begin investing in Italy once again

Multinationals begin investing in Italy once again

A new post-crisis wind is beginning to blow: Italy is recovering its competitiveness and recouping its appeal on the global stage. Philip Morris International Inc, Volkswagen and Audi are just some of the multinationals which have decided to invest in Italy The new trend is backed up further by the […]

di × 17 Dicembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Patent box in the land of knowledge

Patent box in the land of knowledge

During the Invest in Lombardy Days, Italy was defined as “the land of knowledge”. Considered one of the four “Engines of Europe”, Lombardy leads the way in innovation and R&D. This is a nice definition, but the attention comes immediately then to the consequence: knowledge, research, R&D aim to produce […]

di × 11 Dicembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

“Manufacture 4.0“

“Manufacture 4.0“

Research, innovation and technology, new tools for credit access, administrative and tax simplification, internationalization, integration of vocational training, research and craftsmanship. These are just some of the key points of a law entitled “Manufacture 4.0” which was recently approved by the Lombardy Region, following the German model, in order to […]

di × 3 Dicembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

The Annual Report is out: startups and sectors more effective in attracting foreign investments

The Annual Report is out: startups and sectors more effective in attracting foreign investments

After a first introduction to our Annual Report, let’s go deeper into the analysis of a year of Invest in Lombardy. Which sectors were more effective in attracting investments in Lombardy? The Annual Report highlighted that from 2003 to 2014 more than 50% of new FDI projects took place in […]

di × 30 Novembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Free Webinar: What foreign investors need to know about foreign direct investments in Italy?

Free Webinar: What foreign investors need to know about foreign direct investments in Italy?

Invest in Lombardy organizes the program “Doing Business in Italy”, four useful webinars with the purpose to explain and analyze some very important aspects of doing business in Italy. Each session will be a focus on specific topics, from the real estate sector in Italy, to the new patent box, […]

di × 16 Novembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Invest in Lombardy: the Annual Report is out

Invest in Lombardy: the Annual Report is out

After the Invest in Lombardy Days, the ten-day event about the attraction of foreign investments traditionally held yearly in Milan, it is time to assess and have a look at a year of activities. The program of events, together with handouts and presentations, is published on our blog, we will […]

di × 9 Novembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Invest in Lombardy Awards. Premiati i migliori investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Invest in Lombardy Awards. Premiati i migliori investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Cos’hanno in comune Alstom, IBM, Cargolux, Katara Hospitality, Pasabace, Serviceplan e Shineray? Aziende di dimensioni, settori e origini diverse, dalla Francia alla Cina, dal Qatar al Lussemburgo, hanno tutte creduto nel territorio lombardo e nelle sue potenzialità, testimoniando questa fiducia e consapevolezza con investimenti. Per questo, a Palazzo Lombardia, sono […]

di × 14 Ottobre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Sempre più integrazione nelle strategie di attrazione investimenti in Lombardia

Sempre più integrazione nelle strategie di attrazione investimenti in Lombardia

Ieri, 7 ottobre 2015, durante la conferenza stampa di presentazione degli Invest in Lombardy Days, è stato annunciato un importante accordo di collaborazione. Si tratta di un significativo passo avanti nella promozione dell’attrattività del territorio milanese e lombardo per gli investitori esteri. Con l’accordo, infatti, si aggregano e integrano azioni, […]

di × 8 Ottobre 2015 ×