
Highlights, News

A New Measure To Boost Lombardy’s Competitiveness: AttrACT

A New Measure To Boost Lombardy’s Competitiveness: AttrACT

Home to more than 6.389 foreign invested companies, Lombardy is the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in the country. Regione Lombardia is commited to create a new investor – friendly economic environment where the Public Administration acts as a business facilitator. With this in mind, Regione Lombardia, in collaboration with Unioncamere Lombardia […]

di × 10 Aprile 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Parte AttrACT: L’attrazione di investimenti per la crescita dell’attrattività lombarda

Parte AttrACT: L’attrazione di investimenti per la crescita dell’attrattività lombarda

Con 6.398 aziende a partecipazione estera che danno lavoro a oltre 575 mila dipendenti per un giro d’affari di 257miliardi, la Lombardia è la prima regione italiana per progetti di investimenti esteri e capitali esteri attratti. Ed è dalla Regione Lombardia, in collaborazione col Sistema Camerale lombardo e Promos che parte l’iniziativa AttrACT per la […]

di × 6 Aprile 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Milan bids to become the European capital of finance as the UK is set to leave the EU

Milan bids to become the European capital of finance as the UK is set to leave the EU

The City of London, today the undisputed European financial heartland, is expected to lose part of its international appeal due to Brexit . According to a recent analysis from the Centre for Economic Performance, Brexit will cost the UK over one fifth (22%) of the foreign direct investments that have […]

di × 28 Marzo 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Reshoring del manifatturiero

Reshoring del manifatturiero

Nell’intervento alla tavola rotonda “Opportunità di reshoring per il manifatturiero in Italia”, organizzata da Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere e Promos in occasione della “V Edizione degli Invest in Lombardy Days” dello scorso 10 febbraio 2017, ho ricordato la riflessione di Carlo Purassanta, nell’imminenza dell’inaugurazione della nuova sede di Microsoft a Milano, […]

di × 1 Marzo 2017 ×


Webinar: “Biz Small Talk: Traps to Avoid”

Webinar: “Biz Small Talk: Traps to Avoid”

International business does not only cross borders, it also crosses cultures. Culture profoundly influences the way executives think, communicate and negotiate. Whatever sector you are operating in, cultural differences will have a direct impact on your ability to succeed internationally. In an ever-interconnected global economy, the companies that will see […]

di × 28 Febbraio 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Lombardy

The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Lombardy

Italy is one of the world’s top producers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The industry generated €82billion in 2015 and employed 172,000 people, confirming its role as a positive force for economic and technological growth within Italy and beyond. Within this national framework of excellency, Lombardy emerges as a leading player […]

di × 23 Febbraio 2017 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Inheritance and Investment Income: Italy’s Favourable Taxation Regime

Inheritance and Investment Income: Italy’s Favourable Taxation Regime

For now at least, Italy is the preferred destination for many wealthy individuals from the other side of the Alps who move to take advantage of the favourable taxation regime on inheritance and investment income. And recently, perhaps due to the fear of Brexit, interest is also being shown by […]

di × 16 Febbraio 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Milano skylines © marco garofalo/2016

Investment Attraction: Lombardy is Ready to Take Up the Challenge

Thanks to its leading position in national and international markets, its economic status and its long rooted openness to foreign business, Lombardy is today one of the most attractive regions in Europe for investors. Home to more than 800,000 companies, Lombardy is the largest recipient of foreign direct investment in […]

di × 2 Febbraio 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Interim/temporary managers to support foreign investments in Lombardy

Lombardy is still one of the most attractive areas where to install the Italian subsidiary of an international company. Nevertheless, no matter how much an area can be investor-friendly, a foreign investor, when implementing an international expansion strategy typically needs to reduce potential risks and costs related to the operations […]

di × 27 Gennaio 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Hipster business successful teamwork concept, business group assembling jigsaw puzzle

2016 and Beyond: Invest in Lombardy’s New Year Resolutions

With the end of year fast approaching, it is a good time to take a moment and reflect on the events that characterised Invest in Lombardy’s 2016. Let us look back at the year that was through the prism of numbers, and then look ahead. According to fDi Magazine (a division […]

di × 29 Dicembre 2016 ×