
Highlights, News

Invest in Lombardy: the Annual Report is out

Invest in Lombardy: the Annual Report is out

After the Invest in Lombardy Days, the ten-day event about the attraction of foreign investments traditionally held yearly in Milan, it is time to assess and have a look at a year of activities. The program of events, together with handouts and presentations, is published on our blog, we will […]

di × 9 Novembre 2015 ×


Conclusi Invest in Lombardy Days: il principale momento di confronto sugli investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Conclusi Invest in Lombardy Days: il principale momento di confronto sugli investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Chi immaginerebbe che ogni 17 minuti un’azienda nel mondo entra in contatto con Invest in Lombardy e che vengono contattate 24 imprese ogni giorno? Questa è una delle realtà emerse grazie agli Invest in Lombardy Days, la serie di eventi organizzati da Invest in Lombardy dal 12 al 22 ottobre […]

di × 23 Ottobre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Invest in Lombardy Awards. Premiati i migliori investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Invest in Lombardy Awards. Premiati i migliori investimenti esteri in Lombardia

Cos’hanno in comune Alstom, IBM, Cargolux, Katara Hospitality, Pasabace, Serviceplan e Shineray? Aziende di dimensioni, settori e origini diverse, dalla Francia alla Cina, dal Qatar al Lussemburgo, hanno tutte creduto nel territorio lombardo e nelle sue potenzialità, testimoniando questa fiducia e consapevolezza con investimenti. Per questo, a Palazzo Lombardia, sono […]

di × 14 Ottobre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Sempre più integrazione nelle strategie di attrazione investimenti in Lombardia

Sempre più integrazione nelle strategie di attrazione investimenti in Lombardia

Ieri, 7 ottobre 2015, durante la conferenza stampa di presentazione degli Invest in Lombardy Days, è stato annunciato un importante accordo di collaborazione. Si tratta di un significativo passo avanti nella promozione dell’attrattività del territorio milanese e lombardo per gli investitori esteri. Con l’accordo, infatti, si aggregano e integrano azioni, […]

di × 8 Ottobre 2015 ×


Invest in Lombardy Days 2015

Invest in Lombardy Days 2015

‘Invest in Lombardy Days: 2015 Edition’ – 12th-22nd  October. The Invest in Lombardy 2015 Days, the most important event in Lombardy and in Italy about foreign direct investments, will be held from 12 to 22 October  in Milan and will be the opportunity for dialogue and networking between multinational companies, local and national […]

di × 18 Settembre 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Industrial biotech and bioeconomy: the fifth edition of the Italian forum to be hosted in Lombardy

Industrial biotech and bioeconomy: the fifth edition of the Italian forum to be hosted in Lombardy

Lombardy is one of the most developed European region, due to its position, the quality of universities, research centers and industrial clusters. Bioeconomy is part of the attractivity of Lombardy as a place where to invest and is one of the industries able to boost the economy. For these reasons […]

di × 18 Settembre 2015 ×


Lombardy is the house of ICT in Italy

Lombardy is the house of ICT in Italy

As reported in another post Milan is certainly the point of reference of the Italian ICT industry, where we are talking about 75,000 companies and nearly half a million of employees. This time we focus on some evidences of this leadership. The first sign is the abundance of events related […]

di × 1 Settembre 2015 ×


Hotel Investment Appeal Index: the Attractiveness of Milan in the Hospitality Real Estate

Hotel Investment Appeal Index: the Attractiveness of Milan in the Hospitality Real Estate

The old town Center for the Five Stars hotels, the Central Station for the four stars and the Third Circle for the three stars; according to the Hotel investment Appeal Index made by World Capital, these are the areas of Milan with the highest level of attractiveness in the Hospitality real estate. Being one of the most important cities of Italy, because of its position as Business and Fashion […]

di × 26 Giugno 2015 ×


New investment opportunities in Italy thanks to new employment law reforms

New investment opportunities in Italy thanks to new employment law reforms

The reforms in recent years that have involved employment law in Italy have, for some institutions, resulted in radical innovations which were not even imaginable up until a few months ago and have completely overturned the principles that historically inspired the dynamics of the job market. The legislative interventions, which […]

di × 25 Giugno 2015 ×


New package of measures  to make the Italian tax system more competitive

New package of measures to make the Italian tax system more competitive

On 21 April 2015 the Italian Government issued a package of measures (International Tax Decree and Certainty Decree) which significantly changes the tax rules applicable to cross-border operations and gives a specific definition to the concept of abuse of law and tax avoidance. The whole package is even designed to […]

di × 24 Giugno 2015 ×