Brescia, a destination for multinational companies

Getting to know Brescia is an amazing experience, swinging from cultural heritage to industrial districts, from technology to agriculture.

Advanced technology and research, together with development centres (CSMT and AQM), are a significant feature of this region. CSMT is also part of LAND IN LOMBARDY softlanding program managed by Invest in Lombardy.

The points of strength for Brescia can be described as excellent road network, strategic position (50 minutes from Milan by train), culture of industrial districts and competition, availability of specialized technicians and workers with legendary skills and dedicated approach to work.

Associazione Industriale Bresciana, the local chapter of Confindustria, wanted to draw a sketch of FDIs landing in Brescia and offer an updates description of its power in attracting investments. During a conference held on last March 17th (“Brescia Internazionale”), figures and facts about FDI flows were given and commented, following a research conducted by Centro Studi AIB.

With over 14 billion euros of export flows, the industry of Brescia has reached an all-time record. As the President of AIB (Business Trade Association of Brescia), Marco Bonometti, commented: “This is the best testimony of the quality of the “made in Brescia” products and processes and of our companies’ ability to prove themselves in foreign markets, increasingly becoming global actors”.

85 is the number of companies located in Brescia participated by foreign investors; this means more than 8,000 jobs and a turnover of more than 2,500 million euro.

FDI inflows regarding Brescia are originated mainly in industrialized countries (Germany, Usa, Switzerland, Japan, France) and are spread on the strongest sectors of the province (Made in Brescia): engineering, machine tools, automotive sector and precision mechanics.

“Brescia, thanks to the excellence and the economic achievements of its territory – states Giuseppe Ambrosi, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia – is becoming an increasingly attractive area for many foreign investors. For this reason the Chamber of Commerce of Brescia deemed it necessary to take an active part in the project “Invest in Lombardy”.

Consistently with the traditional orientation to Germany, which has always influenced and shaped the “Made in Brescia” export activities, Germany represents the origin of more than a quarter (25.9%) of the foreign participations.

The agro-food system, also strong in Brescia, accounts for only 6 out of 85 companies with foreign participation, but means about 10% of the labour force related to this category and is number one in terms of turnover (766.5 million euro).

Centro Studi AIB used a specific perspective in projecting the research completing the analysis of FDI inflows with the strategies implemented by Brescia’s companies in approaching the international development.

Attracting investments and going international are two sides of the same reality and Brescia is playing a leading role in both: the area is extremely dynamic in looking for foreign participations but at the same time is showing a very high degree of internationalization.

In 75 countries in the world, in 2014, there were 297 companies featuring a participation “Made in Brescia”: this means 23,895 jobs and a turnover of 3,340.9 million euro. The main destination of these investments is China (37 participated companies), at the moment not yet a protagonist in the FDI directed to Brescia. Let’s wait and see.

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