Webinar: “Biz Small Talk: Traps to Avoid”

International business does not only cross borders, it also crosses cultures. Culture profoundly influences the way executives think, communicate and negotiate. Whatever sector you are operating in, cultural differences will have a direct impact on your ability to succeed internationally.

In an ever-interconnected global economy, the companies that will see growth in the coming years are those that are not only doing business internationally, but also developing cross-cultural skills.

With this in mind, Invest in Lombardy and AMI (Associazione Milano Interpreti) invites companies and businessmen willing to invest and work in Italy to watch the webinar BIZ SMALL TALK: TRAPS TO AVOID. An experienced team of professionals in the field of communication with deep knowledge of different cultures provides the audience useful insights on how to engage with Italian companies and negotiators.

Starting from a preliminary discussion on business stereotypes about Italians, the session will uncover the importance of dressing codes and business etiquette and provide useful tips on how to adopt your communication strategy and effectively match the Italian standards.

For more information: info@investinlombardy.com

The webinar has been jointly organised by Invest in Lombardy and Associazione Interpreti Milano (AMI)

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