Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

The initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” has just started: six video interviews realized with Invest in Lombardy Premium Partners. #SmartTipsForInvestors suggesting reasons and ways to invest in Italy and Lombardy. Follow us!

  1. Italy and Lombardy act as a platform for Europe, an excellence hub for several sectors. #AskOurPartner Elio Milantoni – Partner of Deloitte Financial Advisory, Head of M&A Advisory
  2. Does the new Italian labour market reform facilitate foreign investors? #AskOurPartner Vittorio de Luca – Managing Partner of Studio Legale De Luca & Partners
  3. Lombardy and Milan are increasingly appealing, what are the reasons that lead the investors here? #AskOurPartner Rosario Zaccà – Co-Managing Partner di Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners
  4. Why investing in the Lombardy Biotech and pharmaceutical sectors? #AskOurPartner Luca Masotti – Partner of Masotti Berger Cassella
  5. What is the most relevant current trend in terms of incentives in the construction field? #AskOurPartner Matteo CazzanigaCazzaniga Building Management
  6. How easy is it to start major investment projects? #AskOurPartner Giuseppe Fuda – Partner of Todarello & Partner

To learn more, follow the Partners’ interviews that will be published on the website and You Tube channel of Invest in Lombardy every two weeks.

The first interview, a collection of the subject matters debated in the single videos, is available on the website of Invest in Lombardy, the service dedicated to foreign investment promotion, run by Promos (Special Agency of Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi Chamber of Commerce), promoted by Unioncamere Lombardia and supported by Regione Lombardia.

We thank Invest in Lombardy’s Premium Partner: Deloitte Financial Advisory; De Luca & Partners; Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners; Masotti Berger Cassella; Cazzaniga Costruzioni; Todarello & Partners.

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