Lombardy is …an international business hub for Asian companies! #AskOurPartner Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our fourth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Rosario Zaccà – Co-Managing Partner, Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners.

Asians know Italy mostly for its millennial history, its culture, food, fashion and football of course, but most of them ignore that the first product category exported from our country is machinery and instrumental mechanics. In particular, China is the country that trades the most with Lombardy, with an exchange worth 15.7 billion of euro in 2017.


  • Do you know that…

Lombardy is a key investment and trading partner for eastern countries. As of today, the “east-side business” accounts for 7.4 billion euros per quarter. As anticipated, China is Lombardy’s main partner, not only in foreign trade, but also for investments: in fact, it has so far invested more than 20 billion euros in the region.


  • Lombardy and Milan are increasingly appealing, what are the reasons that lead the investors here?

Lombardy is the Italian business heart, the largest region in terms of contribution to national GDP and it is the most diverse economy in Italy.

Milan is an international city with a high density of multinational companies: home to 3,000 foreign companies with over 289,000 employees and € 169 billion of turnover.

Milan is the undisputed capital of Italian and European fashion and the third largest exhibition center in the world; this is why Asian companies love our city.


  • Some useful “tips” for those who want to enter the Italian market…

Have a clear business plan, a professional team that will be dedicated to this new development. Identify the right management people after entering market.

Then, know the law: try your best to work with local expert in understanding the laws that govern your business in Italy. From labor to taxes, there are many different regulations to know and learn.


The interview is also available, together with useful information for investors, on the website of Invest in Lombardy, the service dedicated to foreign investment promotion, run by Promos (Special Agency of Milan, Monza Brianza, Lodi Chamber of Commerce), promoted by Unioncamere Lombardia and supported by Regione Lombardia.

To learn more, follow the Partners’ interviews that will be published on the website and You Tube channel of Invest in Lombardy every two weeks.


We thank Invest in Lombardy’s Premium Partner: Deloitte Financial Advisory; De Luca & Partners; Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners; Masotti Berger Cassella; Cazzaniga Costruzioni; Todarello & Partners.


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