Articles by: Invest in Lombardy - Guest Writer

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Reshoring del manifatturiero

Reshoring del manifatturiero

Nell’intervento alla tavola rotonda “Opportunità di reshoring per il manifatturiero in Italia”, organizzata da Regione Lombardia, Unioncamere e Promos in occasione della “V Edizione degli Invest in Lombardy Days” dello scorso 10 febbraio 2017, ho ricordato la riflessione di Carlo Purassanta, nell’imminenza dell’inaugurazione della nuova sede di Microsoft a Milano, […]

by × 1 March 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Company Culture concept on blackboard

Investing in Lombardy, the third cultural hub in Europe

Lombardy ranks as the third hub of cultural enterprises throughout Europe, behind geographic areas like Paris and London (source: European Cluster Observatory 2013). In fact, according to the latest report “Io sono cultura 2016” released by Unioncamere and Symbola – Fondazione per le qualità italiane, Lombardy totals over 60,000 enterprises with […]

by × 16 November 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Businessman framing sun on city street.

Milan is a Cluster of Innovation

Often Milan and its Region are in the press because of their many records, but this time we want to analyze what are the implications for entrepreneurs and firms through the lenses of the Cluster of Innovation (COI) framework.[1] COI are places where new technologies can be developed quickly and […]

by × 21 October 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Milan as a hub for startups and digital talents

Milan as a hub for startups and digital talents

Just few months ago Financial Times described Milan as Italy’s biggest startup hub. Talking about European best cases of “startup cities”, everybody can immediately think about Berlin, London, Paris or Amsterdam. But also Milan is becoming more and more attractive for the creation of new enterprises. In Milan and in […]

by × 7 October 2016 ×

Highlights, Interviste alle imprese straniere che hanno investito

Business chalk sketch

Why invest in Milan? The story of a French startupper

Italy is the country where most of my business takes place and, after having been working in Northern Italy and living between Umbria and Emilia-Romagna, I decided to base my startup Youspa in Milan. Being French and working in the beauty industry, I am always asked why I have chosen […]

by × 16 September 2016 ×