Articles by: Invest in Lombardy Partner

Highlights, News, News Partner



The costs about the maintenance of a building are an important item for any kind of firm: recent analysis show that they can be quite relevant for many reasons and, above all, they come from an external field of interest for the company, not representing their “core business” activity. Building […]

by × 23 June 2016 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Life Sciences, training and specialist translations

Life Sciences, training and specialist translations

The BIO International Convention (BIO), held in San Francisco during the last week, is closing today. BIO attracts 15,000 biotechnology and pharma leaders for a week of networking to discover potential partnerships covering the wide spectrum of Life Sciences. Invest in Lombardy is present at BIO in order to meet […]

by × 9 June 2016 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Major changes to the Italian Tax Legislation for transactions with tax havens

Major changes to the Italian Tax Legislation for transactions with tax havens

The Italian Government, by Art. 1 (clauses 142 to 144) of the 2016 Stability Law (turned into Law No. 208 of 28 December 2015, as published in the Official Gazette No. 302 on 30 December 2015), reviewed a number of tax rules to make the domestic tax system more attractive […]

by × 2 May 2016 ×

Events, Highlights

Business people shaking hands in office

The generational shift between increase in inheritance tax and investment research. The trust as a possible solution for the entrepreneur

About 80% of Italian businesses have family characteristics, in the sense that the control of the same is in the hands of one or more households. The European average is similar, if not slightly higher. What differentiates the Italian “family” company from that of other European countries is that in […]

by × 27 April 2016 ×

Events, Highlights

Business people shaking hands in office

Il passaggio generazionale tra aumento delle imposte di successione e ricerca di investimenti: quali soluzioni per le imprese?

Circa l’80% delle imprese Italiane ha carattere familiare, nel senso che il controllo delle stesse è in mano ad uno o più nuclei familiari. La media europea è simile, se non leggermente più elevata. Quello che differenzia l’impresa “familiare” italiana da quella di altri paesi europei è che in circa […]

by × 18 April 2016 ×