Articles by: investinlombardy

Events, Highlights

Invest in Lombardy Days: a ten-day long event in Milan

Invest in Lombardy Days: a ten-day long event in Milan

October is traditionally the most hectic month in Milan: after the fashion shows just closed, the city runs to reach its goals before the end of the year, trying to cope with any type of event. Trade exhibitions, book presentations, talks, meetings and conventions are spread on the urban landscape. […]

by × 30 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

Italy Real Estate: It is Time to Invest

Italy Real Estate: It is Time to Invest

Why do we choose Italy for an investment? Why is its real estate so appealing today? For more than one year, the more important international investors choose the Bel Paese for their new and important operations in real estate sector. In the just first six months of 2015, the foreign […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

Microbiological test tubes and pipette

The new R&D tax credit introduced by the 2015 Stability Law

In last couple of years, the Research & Development (R&D) Tax Incentive has caught significant importance in the international scenario, particularly in times of strong economic recession where innovation is seen as a key driver to encourage investments and produce economic growth. Italy is, among the EU countries, one of […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

New opportunities for the acquisition of distressed assets in Italy

New opportunities for the acquisition of distressed assets in Italy

The global financial crisis, which started in 2008, has been particularly intense in Italy and the very core of the economic value of the peninsula was in danger: the problems faced by small-to-medium size enterprises was principally due to the difficulty of Italian companies in finding adequate financing. Since 2009, […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

“Manufacture 4.0“

“Manufacture 4.0“

Avv. Carlo Impalà, Senior Associate – Rödl & Partner Research, innovation and technology, new tools for credit access, administrative and tax simplification, internationalization, integration of vocational training, research and craftsmanship. These are just some of the key points of a law entitled “Manufacture 4.0” which was recently approved by the […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

blurred city and people urban scene background

Permanent establishment in Italy: legislation changes to ensure consistency with OECD guidelines

The topic of the “permanent establishment”, corresponding to the foreign concept of “subsidiary”, is currently of great interest due to the considerable uncertainty that has characterised the regulation of this subject matter until now. To answer the many questions regarding its interpretation, Article 12 Par. 1 of Act No. 23, […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

Voting rights in Joint-Stock companies: shares with multiple Voting rights and shares with increased voting rights

Voting rights in Joint-Stock companies: shares with multiple Voting rights and shares with increased voting rights

Introduction Decree Law no. 91 of 24th June 2014, converted into Law no. 163 of 11th August 2014, introduced several major changes to Italian company law, including the possibility for unlisted joint-stock companies to issue shares with multiple voting rights and for listed companies to have shares with increased voting […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×

Senza categoria

Multinationals begin investing in Italy once again

Multinationals begin investing in Italy once again

Vittorio De Luca and Elena Cannone A new post-crisis wind is beginning to blow: Italy is recovering its competitiveness and recouping its appeal on the global stage. Philip Morris International Inc, Volkswagen and Audi are just some of the multinationals which have decided to invest in Italy. The new trend […]

by × 28 September 2015 ×


Invest in Lombardy Days 2015

Invest in Lombardy Days 2015

‘Invest in Lombardy Days: 2015 Edition’ – 12th-22nd October. The Invest in Lombardy 2015 Days, the most important event in Lombardy and in Italy about foreign direct investments, will be held from 12 to 22 October in Milan and will be the opportunity for dialogue and networking between multinational companies, local and national […]

by × 18 September 2015 ×

Highlights, News

Industrial biotech and bioeconomy: the fifth edition of the Italian forum to be hosted in Lombardy

Industrial biotech and bioeconomy: the fifth edition of the Italian forum to be hosted in Lombardy

Lombardy is one of the most developed European region, due to its position, the quality of universities, research centers and industrial clusters. Bioeconomy is part of the attractivity of Lombardy as a place where to invest and is one of the industries able to boost the economy. For these reasons […]

by × 18 September 2015 ×