Dati sulla Lombardia

Dati sulla Lombardia

Pharmaceutical industry: a reason for investing in Lombardy

Pharmaceutical industry: a reason for investing in Lombardy

The pharmaceutical industry is strategic and is getting more and more attention by media and analysts commenting FDI, EY and Bain recently released reports on it. A good number of articles and reports focuses on the trend of the pharmaceutical industry in India, but it is very interesting to analyze […]

by × 24 February 2015 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Investing in Lombardy: the choice of Connexun

Investing in Lombardy: the choice of Connexun

Every territory claims features, advantages, reason why to invest in and… successful case studies. Usually we quote the dimension of investments, or announce the opening of new plants, generally decided by the international headquarters of multinational groups. Lombardy actually is attractive also for startups and all the small businesses related […]

by × 12 February 2015 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Starting a new business in Lombardy? A practical handbook can help you

Starting a new business in Lombardy? A practical handbook can help you

Most of the contents about investment attraction is concentrated on opportunities, features, advantages, characteristics of the territory. Usually these contents focus on topics like labour cost, logistic, infrastructures. They are useful, of course, and effective, but foreign investors need practical information, especially when having to do with Italy. This is […]

by × 10 February 2015 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Can Milan compete with the real estate market stars?

Can Milan compete with the real estate market stars?

Everyone talks about London, wondering if a “bubble” is here to come. Many comment the (controlled) slowing down of prices in Singapore real estate market. In the mean time Milan rises to 12th place in European ranking for non-residential best opportunities. Why is Milan a good choice for investing in […]

by × 20 January 2015 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Milky business in Lombardy

Milky business in Lombardy

China is a country with 82m children below the age of five, and where only 28 per cent of children under the age of six months are breast-fed, according to the UN, any problems in the supply chain were always going to have far-reaching effects. Demand of milk for babies […]

by × 22 December 2014 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Back to Italy: is re-shoring a real opportunity to attract investments in Lombardy?

Back to Italy: is re-shoring a real opportunity to attract investments in Lombardy?

Recently a new word is becoming popular among the Italian entrepreneurs, especially the ones dealing with the fashion system: re-shoring. After a long season of off-shoring in the luxury industry, often interpreted and implemented as a complete delocalization, the Italian manufacturing system is looking again to certain areas of the […]

by × 9 December 2014 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Lombardy's success factors

Lombardy's success factors

What happens if we compare Lombardy with the regions that attract the most investments in the rest of Europe? A question of this type has recently met with a well-articulated response in a study conducted by FDI Benchmark (Financial Times Group), in which Lombardy's performance was compared to that of 3

by × 6 October 2014 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

Which companies are attracted by Lombardy?

Which companies are attracted by Lombardy?

In addition to being a valuable partner for attracting foreign direct investments for initiating or developing business activities in Lombardy, Invest in Lombardy is also a privileged observer of the investment projects that have been proposed or implemented throughout the region, and is thus able to distinguish them by number, industry and economic importance.

by × 6 October 2014 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

The M&A investment trend: the way things went up until 2013

The M&A investment trend: the way things went up until 2013

In all the industrialized countries, the majority of foreign direct investments are aimed at acquiring pre-existing companies (M&A transactions) rather than creating new businesses ( Greenfield). This general tendency also holds true in Lombardy: from 2003 to 2013, in fact, 2,400 Italian companies

by × 2 October 2014 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia

The greenfield investment trend: the way things went up until 2013

The greenfield investment trend: the way things went up until 2013

It is a well-known fact that the trend in foreign direct investments (FDI) mirrors the expansion or contraction dynamics that economic systems record over time. It is not surprising, therefore, that the economic crisis that began in 2008 has also had serious repercussions upon "greenfield" type investments, both globally and nationally

by × 30 September 2014 ×