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Highlights, News, News Partner

What does Brexit mean for UK companies in Italy?

What does Brexit mean for UK companies in Italy?

A referendum was held on June 23, to decide whether the UK would leave or stay in the European Union. Leave won by 52% to 48%. Brexit is a reality. As a result, in the absence of precedent about the mechanism for leaving the EU (Article 50 of the Treaty […]

by × 7 September 2016 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Business - meeting in an office, lawyers or attorneys discussing a document or contract agreement

Whistleblowing: transparency in the labour market for anti–corruption sistem

Sometimes Italy is connoted by a low level of transparency, which indicates a high level of corruption; on a scale of 0 (highly corrupt) to 100 (very clean), according to Corruption Perceptions Index 2015 by Transparency International, Italy ranks #61 after Romania (#58), Oman (#60) and in the same position […]

by × 13 July 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News, News Partner

Italy and Lombardy strategic business partners for East side countries

Italy and Lombardy strategic business partners for East side countries

Invest in Lombardy – Promos and the law firm Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners ( on June 15 organized the “East Side Internationalization” conference in Milan. Seven have been the target countries discussed, for both outbound (from Italy to those countries) and inbound (from those countries to Italy) investments: China, […]

by × 8 July 2016 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Is global english enough for global investors?

Is global english enough for global investors?

Invest in Lombardy is the ideal partner for foreign companies planning to start or expand a business in Lombardy, offering a free service, specialized and professional in every phase of the project. In a business transaction, it is essential to provide qualified expertise and establish positive communication with the companies […]

by × 7 July 2016 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

L’internazionalizzazione a Est

L’internazionalizzazione a Est

Sono sette i Paesi al centro del convegno organizzato a Milano da Invest in Lombardy – Promos e lo studio legale Gianni, Origoni, Grippo, Cappelli & Partners lo scorso 15 giugno: Cina, Corea, Emirati Arabi, India, Iran, Russia, Turchia. Un business che per la Lombardia vale oltre 31 miliardi all’anno, un settimo dell’intero commercio estero […]

by × 1 July 2016 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Interim management practice

Interim management practice

Hiring the right people at the right time makes all the difference for a company during its investment process. The practice of Interim Management is an effective way for foreign companies to quickly establish themselves when investing abroad. Local Interim Management will be able to provide qualified expertise and establish positive communication with […]

by × 27 June 2016 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner



The costs about the maintenance of a building are an important item for any kind of firm: recent analysis show that they can be quite relevant for many reasons and, above all, they come from an external field of interest for the company, not representing their “core business” activity. Building […]

by × 23 June 2016 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Life Sciences, training and specialist translations

Life Sciences, training and specialist translations

The BIO International Convention (BIO), held in San Francisco during the last week, is closing today. BIO attracts 15,000 biotechnology and pharma leaders for a week of networking to discover potential partnerships covering the wide spectrum of Life Sciences. Invest in Lombardy is present at BIO in order to meet […]

by × 9 June 2016 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Major changes to the Italian Tax Legislation for transactions with tax havens

Major changes to the Italian Tax Legislation for transactions with tax havens

The Italian Government, by Art. 1 (clauses 142 to 144) of the 2016 Stability Law (turned into Law No. 208 of 28 December 2015, as published in the Official Gazette No. 302 on 30 December 2015), reviewed a number of tax rules to make the domestic tax system more attractive […]

by × 2 May 2016 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner


Investimenti inbound in Europa: il ruolo dell’Italia nel radar del mercato

Invest in Lombardy e Orrick hanno presentato il report pubblicato da Mergermarket: “Inward bound. Inbound M&A into the EU” Lo scorso 16 febbraio Invest in Lombardy ha accolto Orrick e Mergermarket a Milano, presso Palazzo Affari ai Giureconsulti, per presentare in anteprima il report “Inward bound. Inbound M&A into the […]

by × 25 February 2016 ×