
Highlights, News

Real Estate confirms its role in attracting foreign investments in Lombardy

Real Estate confirms its role in attracting foreign investments in Lombardy

A certain concern about the general outlook for Real Estate in Italy, due to uncertainty and political instability, seems to be balanced by positive expectations about Brexit. With the UK leaving the European Union, Milan is ready to run for the relocation of the European Patent Office and the European […]

by × 21 December 2016 ×

Highlights, News

Grafiken mit Kurven und drei Zahnräder

New Economic Development Strategy: Reshoring and Industry 4.0

With global labor costs balancing at the international level, a new trend is gaining momentum: reshoring. After decades witnessing the offshoring flood of manufacturing companies, a growing number of businesses across Western countries are bringing their manufacturing efforts back from overseas. As recently explained on Econopoly, the reshoring phenomenon often […]

by × 15 December 2016 ×

Highlights, News

Industry 4.0, automation, internet of things concepts and tablet with human machine interface

Reshoring is not a dream, the trend is going on

Reshoring became popular as word only recently, meaning the process of returning the production and manufacturing of goods back to one’s own country, more consistent in highly manufacturing-based economies. First signals and evidences were gathered and analyzed by the UniClub MoRe Back-reshoring research group starting from 2009. From 2014 on, […]

by × 2 December 2016 ×

Highlights, News

Midsection of judge writing on paper at table in courtroom

Goodbye lengthy justice and hello arbitration for foreign investors in Italy: an efficient, fast and cost-effective way to resolve business disputes

Justice in Italy is not necessarily fast. This is pretty much common knowledge, but it is also confirmed by an OECD comparative study of 2010. Such lengthy times and the related costs have been more than just a bit problematic for foreign companies planning to set up in Italy, potentially […]

by × 28 November 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Company Culture concept on blackboard

Investing in Lombardy, the third cultural hub in Europe

Lombardy ranks as the third hub of cultural enterprises throughout Europe, behind geographic areas like Paris and London (source: European Cluster Observatory 2013). In fact, according to the latest report “Io sono cultura 2016” released by Unioncamere and Symbola – Fondazione per le qualità italiane, Lombardy totals over 60,000 enterprises with […]

by × 16 November 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Man using Tablet pc. Credit card, Shopping onlie. Window background

Lombardy is the Italian capital for e-commerce

In the vibrant atmosphere of Milan, while you wait for the green light and try to cope with the traffic, surely in the last two years you could notice a change in the population of vehicles: not only cars and taxis, but vans, Deliveroo, Foodora, just eat it, Amazon Prime. […]

by × 8 November 2016 ×

Highlights, News

Two useful regional tools for hiring new  employees  in Lombardy

Two useful regional tools for hiring new employees in Lombardy

Dote Unica Lavoro is the active labour market policy program set up by the Lombardy Region and focused on supporting the reintroduction into the workforce of those who seek a job, are older than 30 and have their residence in Lombardy, or those younger than 30 who have already taken […]

by × 26 October 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Businessman framing sun on city street.

Milan is a Cluster of Innovation

Often Milan and its Region are in the press because of their many records, but this time we want to analyze what are the implications for entrepreneurs and firms through the lenses of the Cluster of Innovation (COI) framework.[1] COI are places where new technologies can be developed quickly and […]

by × 21 October 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

R&d investment: why opening a representative office in Lombardy

R&d investment: why opening a representative office in Lombardy

Listed within the top 10 cities for investment project in Western Europe and mentioned as one of the preferred destination for investing in the real estate sector, Milan is an excellent business environment and a very dynamic city, particularly for R&D activities. According to “Why invest in Milan” report, Milan […]

by × 13 October 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Milan as a hub for startups and digital talents

Milan as a hub for startups and digital talents

Just few months ago Financial Times described Milan as Italy’s biggest startup hub. Talking about European best cases of “startup cities”, everybody can immediately think about Berlin, London, Paris or Amsterdam. But also Milan is becoming more and more attractive for the creation of new enterprises. In Milan and in […]

by × 7 October 2016 ×