Post Tagged with: "business in Lombardy"

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Lombardy Region will be at MIPIM in Cannes with 28 real estate development projects

Lombardy Region will be at MIPIM in Cannes with 28 real estate development projects

Several municipalities with their projects will participate, together with Lombardy Region, in MIPIM 2020, one of the most prestigious real estate exhibition that will be held at the Palais des Festivals in Cannes from 10th to 13th March. 2019 has been a record year for the Italian commercial real estate, […]

by × 26 February 2020 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, Interviste alle imprese lombarde, News

Cresce il mercato immobiliare italiano, uno dei più importanti d’Europa

Cresce il mercato immobiliare italiano, uno dei più importanti d’Europa

I motivi per cui è importante promuovere i progetti di sviluppo immobiliare lombardi al Mipim si evincono dalle dichiarazioni di Paolo Scordino, Direttore Sviluppo Mercato di DeA Capital Real Estate SGR, il principale operatore italiano nella gestione di fondi immobiliari, che afferma: “il Mipim” – evento al quale partecipano annualmente […]

by × 9 December 2019 ×

Highlights, Interviste alle imprese lombarde, News

Partecipare al Mipim offre concrete opportunità di business

Partecipare al Mipim offre concrete opportunità di business

Ance, partecipando al MIPIM, sostiene e rilancia il sistema italiano delle costruzioni sullo scenario internazionale. Francesco Molteni, Presidente ANCE Como, parla in particolare del territorio comasco, sotto i riflettori e dalle grandi potenzialità, sottolineando l’utilità della partecipazione alla kermesse francese e segnalando una nuova e diffusa attenzione all’interdisciplinarità di una […]

by × 15 October 2019 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Your Investment Project in Lombardy

Your Investment Project in Lombardy

With a business environment worthy of one of the strongest economies in Europe, Lombardy is open to welcome new investors. Invest in Lombardy, in the framework of the “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” initiative, presents an additional tool to ensure visibility and promotion to the project: the new brochure “Your […]

by × 15 April 2019 ×

Highlights, News

AttrACT, a new call for proposal looking for settlement opportunities in Lombardy Region

AttrACT, a new call for proposal looking for settlement opportunities in Lombardy Region

The new Call for proposal of new available settlement opportunities for potential investors is now open. From November 30th on, the municipalities of Lombardy will be able to promote new opportunities to be published on the AttrACT platform ( The program, promoted by the Lombardy Region in collaboration with Unioncamere […]

by × 30 November 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Tecnologie mediche all’avanguardia, materiali di ultima generazione, digital innovation, le imprese del farmaceutico, biomedicale e biotech italiano protagoniste di un settore ad alto tasso di innovazione, con un mercato nazionale di 33 miliardi di fatturato, più di 25 mila imprese, in crescita a settembre 2017 per il terzo anno consecutivo […]

by × 12 April 2018 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Test tubes over financial data. Concept for Investing in Life Science.

Leading the way in the biotech revolution: the reasons why Lombardy is the ideal destination for the next EMA headquarter

With its history, its immense cultural heritage and its superb cuisine, Italy is commonly regarded as a land of tradition and not many people would tend to associate the country to groundbreaking innovation and cutting-edge research. This misconception has been fueled by the resilience of those sectors that constitute the […]

by × 22 September 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Milano skylines © marco garofalo/2016

Tax incentives and foreigners Investors’ VISA options in Italy

Italy is a very interesting destination for entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals that want to have free access to the EU. During the past few years, non-EU individuals (especially from certain jurisdictions in Asia and from India, Iran, Russia and the Middle East) have been increasingly experiencing difficulties in obtaining entry […]

by × 27 July 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Company Culture concept on blackboard

Investing in Lombardy, the third cultural hub in Europe

Lombardy ranks as the third hub of cultural enterprises throughout Europe, behind geographic areas like Paris and London (source: European Cluster Observatory 2013). In fact, according to the latest report “Io sono cultura 2016” released by Unioncamere and Symbola – Fondazione per le qualità italiane, Lombardy totals over 60,000 enterprises with […]

by × 16 November 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Man using Tablet pc. Credit card, Shopping onlie. Window background

Lombardy is the Italian capital for e-commerce

In the vibrant atmosphere of Milan, while you wait for the green light and try to cope with the traffic, surely in the last two years you could notice a change in the population of vehicles: not only cars and taxis, but vans, Deliveroo, Foodora, just eat it, Amazon Prime. […]

by × 8 November 2016 ×