Post Tagged with: "#Incentives"

Highlights, News

A showcase for Lombardy’s opportunities: greenfields and brownfields in search of new investors

A showcase for Lombardy’s opportunities: greenfields and brownfields in search of new investors

Abandoned areas to be redeveloped with the aim of giving them a new use, according to their characteristics and relations with the context in which they are located. Industrial and craft sheds waiting for new settlements. Greenfields and brownfields to be transformed into offices or logistics and transport areas, if […]

by × 30 July 2020 ×

Highlights, News Partner

Lombardy is …efficiency! #AskOurPartner Cazzaniga Building Management

Lombardy is …efficiency! #AskOurPartner Cazzaniga Building Management

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our sixth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Matteo Cazzaniga – Cazzaniga Building Management. Lately there has been a lot of buzz in the Italian Real Estate, caused by the growth of international […]

by × 19 July 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is …innovation! #AskOurPartner Masotti Berger Cassella

Lombardy is …innovation! #AskOurPartner Masotti Berger Cassella

Within the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” here is our fifth article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Luca Masotti – Partner, Masotti Berger Cassella. The Italian Biotech sector is a fast growing one and mostly composed by innovative companies. Moreover, it enjoys […]

by × 15 June 2018 ×