Post Tagged with: "#InvestinLombardy"

Highlights, News, News Partner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

The initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” has just started: six video interviews realized with Invest in Lombardy Premium Partners. #SmartTipsForInvestors suggesting reasons and ways to invest in Italy and Lombardy. Follow us! Italy and Lombardy act as a platform for Europe, an excellence hub for several sectors. #AskOurPartner Elio […]

by × 19 April 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Perché investire nel Biomedicale? A Milano oltre un terzo del business nazionale

Tecnologie mediche all’avanguardia, materiali di ultima generazione, digital innovation, le imprese del farmaceutico, biomedicale e biotech italiano protagoniste di un settore ad alto tasso di innovazione, con un mercato nazionale di 33 miliardi di fatturato, più di 25 mila imprese, in crescita a settembre 2017 per il terzo anno consecutivo […]

by × 12 April 2018 ×

Highlights, News

AttrACT’s D-day 2.0

AttrACT’s D-day 2.0

The bilingual website of AttrACT program is now on line: Realized by Regione Lombardia, together with Unioncamere Lombardia to promote the local offer of our region. The new platform gives access to the 113 investment opportunities, located in the 56 municipalities that decided to participate in AttrACT program: a […]

by × 14 February 2018 ×

Highlights, News

Politica Industriale 4.0: misure per la competitività e l’attrattività degli investimenti

Politica Industriale 4.0: misure per la competitività e l’attrattività degli investimenti

Agevolazioni in arrivo dal nuovo portale della rete dei Punti Impresa Digitale, promosso da Unioncamere e realizzato da InfoCamere, la risposta delle Camere di Commercio alla richiesta del MISE di realizzare un network di punti informativi e di assistenza alle imprese sui processi di digitalizzazione riguardanti il Piano Nazionale Industria […]

by × 15 December 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Facilitazioni e incentivi per l’Italia produttiva ai tempi dell’Industria 4.0

Facilitazioni e incentivi per l’Italia produttiva ai tempi dell’Industria 4.0

Una grande occasione per tutte le aziende che vogliono cogliere le opportunità legate alla quarta rivoluzione industriale è il Piano Nazionale Industria 4.0. Tale Piano prevede un insieme di misure strutturali e complementari in grado di favorire gli investimenti per l’innovazione e per la competitività: incentivi fiscali per circa 20 […]

by × 11 December 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Test tubes over financial data. Concept for Investing in Life Science.

Leading the way in the biotech revolution: the reasons why Lombardy is the ideal destination for the next EMA headquarter

With its history, its immense cultural heritage and its superb cuisine, Italy is commonly regarded as a land of tradition and not many people would tend to associate the country to groundbreaking innovation and cutting-edge research. This misconception has been fueled by the resilience of those sectors that constitute the […]

by × 22 September 2017 ×

Highlights, News

When the boost to economic growth comes from abroad

When the boost to economic growth comes from abroad

The attraction of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) always constitutes a key goal for policymakers, due to its undisputed relevance in fostering local economic development. As a matter of fact, FDI improves the productivity levels of an area and/or of a sector, creates employment, generates knowledge transfer in terms of technological, […]

by × 31 August 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Milano skylines © marco garofalo/2016

Tax incentives and foreigners Investors’ VISA options in Italy

Italy is a very interesting destination for entrepreneurs and wealthy individuals that want to have free access to the EU. During the past few years, non-EU individuals (especially from certain jurisdictions in Asia and from India, Iran, Russia and the Middle East) have been increasingly experiencing difficulties in obtaining entry […]

by × 27 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News

The Italian labour market reform pushes Lombardy’s employment growth

The Italian labour market reform pushes Lombardy’s employment growth

The total number of people employed in Lombardy has reached a total of 4 million units, thus exhibiting a +2.8% annual increase. Milan is the first city in Italy, with 1.9 million workers Employment among firms returns to grow, but it shows on the other hand an increasing degree of […]

by × 20 July 2017 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Lombardy is becoming an increasingly attractive region for foreign investors: China’s Saimo Electric acquires Italy’s Epistolio

Italy has a great deal to offer foreign investors: the country ranks 13th in the A.T. Kearney Foreign Direct Investment Confidence Index. That being said, it is worth noting that some territories in particular stand out for their potential to attract foreign investors: in this respect, Lombardy is without a […]

by × 14 July 2017 ×