Post Tagged with: "Lombardy"

Highlights, News, News Partner

Lombardy is …continuous growth! #AskOurPartner Deloitte

Lombardy is …continuous growth! #AskOurPartner Deloitte

In the framework of the initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” we are proud to present our second article. Discover some smart tips for investors in the following short interview with Elio Milantoni – Partner Deloitte Financial Advisory, Head of M&A Advisory. Lombardy continues to improve its economic and enterpreneurial […]

by × 3 May 2018 ×

Highlights, News, News Partner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

Why invest in Lombardy? #AskOurPartner

The initiative “Why invest in Lombardy #AskOurPartner” has just started: six video interviews realized with Invest in Lombardy Premium Partners. #SmartTipsForInvestors suggesting reasons and ways to invest in Italy and Lombardy. Follow us! Italy and Lombardy act as a platform for Europe, an excellence hub for several sectors. #AskOurPartner Elio […]

by × 19 April 2018 ×

Highlights, News

AttrACT’s D-day 2.0

AttrACT’s D-day 2.0

The bilingual website of AttrACT program is now on line: Realized by Regione Lombardia, together with Unioncamere Lombardia to promote the local offer of our region. The new platform gives access to the 113 investment opportunities, located in the 56 municipalities that decided to participate in AttrACT program: a […]

by × 14 February 2018 ×

Highlights, News

Milan is ready to welcome the Brexit legacy

Milan is ready to welcome the Brexit legacy

While the Brexit negotiations are still far from having a well-defined outcome, the most important European cities have long been racing to take over from London as the main business district of the Union. As one of Europe’s most competitive and advanced regions, Lombardy is called to gather a consistent […]

by × 22 June 2017 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Lombardy

The Chemical and Pharmaceutical Industry in Lombardy

Italy is one of the world’s top producers of chemicals and pharmaceuticals. The industry generated €82billion in 2015 and employed 172,000 people, confirming its role as a positive force for economic and technological growth within Italy and beyond. Within this national framework of excellency, Lombardy emerges as a leading player […]

by × 23 February 2017 ×

Highlights, News

Real Estate confirms its role in attracting foreign investments in Lombardy

Real Estate confirms its role in attracting foreign investments in Lombardy

A certain concern about the general outlook for Real Estate in Italy, due to uncertainty and political instability, seems to be balanced by positive expectations about Brexit. With the UK leaving the European Union, Milan is ready to run for the relocation of the European Patent Office and the European […]

by × 21 December 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

Company Culture concept on blackboard

Investing in Lombardy, the third cultural hub in Europe

Lombardy ranks as the third hub of cultural enterprises throughout Europe, behind geographic areas like Paris and London (source: European Cluster Observatory 2013). In fact, according to the latest report “Io sono cultura 2016” released by Unioncamere and Symbola – Fondazione per le qualità italiane, Lombardy totals over 60,000 enterprises with […]

by × 16 November 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News

R&d investment: why opening a representative office in Lombardy

R&d investment: why opening a representative office in Lombardy

Listed within the top 10 cities for investment project in Western Europe and mentioned as one of the preferred destination for investing in the real estate sector, Milan is an excellent business environment and a very dynamic city, particularly for R&D activities. According to “Why invest in Milan” report, Milan […]

by × 13 October 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights

Relocating your Business?

Relocating your Business?

Globalization is changing the way companies structure their operations making more convenient locate the production and the R&D in different places. Each company in the process of cost controlling, has to know which kind of cost factors configuration present each country. The recently released report on “Relocating your Business” is addressed […]

by × 21 July 2016 ×

Dati sulla Lombardia, Highlights, News



Green technology in Italy has spread evenly throughout the boot, but located in the north of the country lies its strong point. The Lombardy region is first in green technology investments in Italy and leading the field by accounting for about one-fifth of the national total (19%). This amounts to […]

by × 1 April 2016 ×