Invitation to a free webinar: The Italian Start Up Visa (November 6th, 2014)

Invest in Lombardy will organize a free webinar in collaboration with its partner the law firm Legal Grounds at 10.30 am (CET +1) on Thursday, November 6th.

In this webinar, titled “The Italian Start Up Visa” the speakers will address an overview about the Italian government policy to attract innovative entrepreneurs.

The webinar will give a brief overview on:

  • How to get a quick start up Visa;
  • What are the practical tips;
  • How is the legislative framework for innovative startups and the Italian ecosystem.

The session is free and participating is easy.
Log about 5 minutes early, enter this Registration Form URL in your browser:
Fill out the form, only Nickname, E-mail and Country (it should take less than 30 seconds) and you are in
The webinar will begin promptly at 10.30 am (CET +1)
Please note that, the seminar will be broadcast only by web (audio and video), please prepare your device consequently. We suggest using earphones.

You will have the possibility to send questions by a chat box during the webinar.

R.S.V.P. In order to manage the questions during the webinar, please confirm your participation by sending an e-mail to by November 5th.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to send an e-mail to .

We look forward to your participation!


  1. Do you have this seminar recorded to watch?

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